How to Obtain a Visa to Palestine?: Prospective volunteers and visitors frequently ask us about the process of obtaining a visa to visit Palestine. Some countries require applications and fees before arrival to receive a visa. Is this the case for travelers coming to Palestine? If you have questions concerning the visa requirements for coming to Palestine, then continue reading because today we will be providing information that will answer your question.

How to get to Palestine?

There are two ways to get to Palestine. The first is by flying into Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport, Israel. The second is by crossing into the West Bank via Jordan by flying to Queen Alia International Airport. At Engage in the West Bank, Palestine, we recommend that all of our international visitors, volunteers, Arabic students, and interns enter by the first option of flying into Ben Gurion Airport. However, no matter where you enter – via Tel Aviv or Jordan – visas are granted upon arrival.

Can the Palestinian Authority issue you a visa?

Palestine (Palestinian Authority) is unable to grant visas to international travelers. The Israeli government controls all borders and is therefore the only entity able to provide travelers with visas. As we mentioned previously, the Israeli government does this upon arrival. Therefore, there is no application to fill out before coming. When you land at Ben Gurion Airport or when you cross into the West Bank through Jordan, you will be given a visa.

3 months valid visa to travel to Palestine and Israel

The visa given to you by Israel will grant you access to the Palestinian territories. These Israeli visas are also free of charge. When you fly into Tel Aviv, airport security will ask a series of questions and if they are satisfied with your answers, you will be given a visa that is valid for 90 days. All visas are valid for 90 days. This is why internationals are welcome to internvolunteer, or study at Engage in the West Bank, Palestine for a maximum of 3 months.

Security’s questioning at Ben Gurion airport in Israel 

Concerning airport security’s questioning, you do not need to be worried or afraid. Of the internationals who have visited us at Engage in the West Bank, Palestine, their experience at Ben Gurion airport varies. Some internationals report that the process was easy, fast, and painless. You will typically be asked whether you have been to Israel before, why you are visiting, and how long you will be staying.

Other internationals say they have been pulled aside and asked further questions by airport security before they were granted a visa. If this happens to you, remember that you have nothing to hide and are doing nothing illegal in coming to Hebron to volunteer, study, or visit.

Our advice

We also advise carrying a copy of your Engage in the West Bank, Palestine Invitation Letter, should officials want proof of why you are here and where you are going. Overall, if you keep calm and patient during the questioning you are highly likely to be given a visa. Travelers are rarely denied entrance into Israel and the Palestinian territories.  

Final remarks

That wraps up the process for obtaining an Israeli visa. Visas do not require an application or a fee. They are valid for 3 months and the process is simple to receive one upon arrival. We hope we answered all your questions surrounding the visa requirements and look forward to seeing you at Engage in the West Bank, Palestine.