Volunteer in Music and the Arts in the West Bank: Music is perhaps the most diverse form of self-expression in the world and is one of the best modes of cultural exchange and learning. As a volunteer in the Music And Arts In The West Bank, Palestine, participants will engage with the culture of Palestine while also sharing their own expression of culture through music and art.

This volunteer program in Palestine is perfect for those with an active interest in the arts, cross-cultural interaction, and exploring Palestinian art forms while also promoting shifts in public opinion through cultural diplomacy. Additionally, the Volunteer in Music And Arts In The West Bank Program is available for academic credit, so university students are especially encouraged to apply. 

This volunteer opportunity spans from one week to three months (13 Weeks) year-round (Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring). Our volunteer programs in Hebron, West Bank provide you the chance to work in a fascinating and energetic environment since they are created to be immersive, genuine, and complete.

Program Benefits to Volunteers

There are numerous benefits to participating in the Music And Arts In The West Bank program, such as the opportunity to gain experience working in an international setting. Many employers, especially NGOs and government agencies, value those with experience working in multi-cultural and immersive environments more highly than those without, as cross-cultural communication is an acquired skill. Your commitment to the Palestinian people especially will be appreciated deeply by all those you work with, and not to mention working abroad is a valuable foot in the door.  

Additionally, program participants currently enrolled in college or university are eligible to receive academic credit through the Palestinian Educational Authority for their contributions to Engage in the West Bank. Types of credits offered depend on the specific program but may vary between internship, community service, and Arabic language credits. The Music And Arts In The West Bank program in Hebron, Palestine specifically is perfect for anyone looking to gain experience in program management and teaching, since volunteers will be in charge of both during their stay. 

Benefits Of Volunteering In Palestine

Volunteers in Palestine receive many benefits during their time in the city of Hebron, West Bank. Through full immersion in the Palestinian culture, you will be able to participate in many educational, cultural, social, and community development activities.

Benefits of volunteering in Palestine:

  • Living in Hebron and visiting sites in the local and wider area
  • Better Understand Palestinian politics and experience the occupation in the West Bank.
  • Learning spoken Arabic from native speakers and embracing the opportunity to communicate with locals
  • Get to know the human rights situation and support Palestinian refugees. 
  • Traveling to historical locations and nearby cities including Jerusalem, Jericho, Ramallah, Nablus, and Bethlehem in your free time
  • Visit nearby cities such as Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Eilat, Tiberias, Netanya, Safed, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Masada, Amman, Aqaba, Wadi Rum, and Nazareth.
  • Spending time and living with a Palestinian host family, if desired
  • Visiting Palestinian universities, local institutions, and organizations specializing in culture and education
  • Eating local Palestinian foods and delicacies
  • Attending cultural nights featuring entertainment and activities in Hebron’s social hubs

What You Will Contribute

The Music And Arts In The West Bank Program is highly flexible and designed to allow volunteers to tailor their service according to their skills, interests, or academic focus. Volunteers are encouraged to choose from a diverse and widely varying array of subjects, from music to poetry, painting, drawing, dance, and even more specialized styles of craftsmanship. The sky is the limit!

With their specific subject in mind, volunteers will create workshops, organize performances, and work with local Palestinians including children to expand their artistic profile. Previous workshops and performances have included concerts for Palestinian families, demonstrations of various instruments, and even circus performances. 

These workshops are beneficial to Palestinians as it allow them to access their creative side and consequently discover their artistic potential and strengths. By volunteering in the arts, participants will provide Palestinians the tools to build self-confidence and collective empowerment. 

Because this program is available to participants with a wide range of talents and skill levels, people of all artistic skills and levels are welcome to apply so long as they have a passion for their chosen art form.

Our Programs Make a Great Impact 

Our Art and Music Volunteer and Internship programs in the West Bank, Palestine are well-researched, targeted, and suitable for anyone who wants to gain insights into daily Palestinian life, culture, and human rights. We aim to make a long-term difference for the Palestinian local community through the exchange of ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”.

Volunteering and interning in Hebron, West Bank is a unique opportunity to genuinely make an impact on your life as well as others including Palestinian children, refugees, women, youth, and community members in the West Bank, Palestine.

Flexible Booking

At Engage in the West Bank, we understand that things change. As such, our programs are incredibly flexible in case you need to alter travel plans or just simply have a change of heart. As programs begin at the center year-round (with flexible start and end dates), you decide your arrival.

Furthermore, you’re able to change your start date entirely free of charge if requested at least two weeks beforehand.

Summer Volunteer Programs

For people looking for volunteer programs or internships in Music And Arts over the summer in the West Bank, Palestine, Middle East, or Israel, Engage in the West Bank offers great volunteer opportunities that span from May to September. These volunteer programs and internships are ideal for students, English native speakers, and anyone with a summer break or any individuals looking to volunteer on an extended visit.

These summer volunteer programs in Music And Arts in Palestine combine Arabic language focus with full learning, immersion, and engagement in Palestinian culture, politics, and history. It includes visits to Bedouin areas (Susiya), Palestinian refugee camps, local villages, and community centers.

Short Term Volunteer in West Bank, Programs

Here at the Engage in the West Bank in Hebron, West Bank, we run a wide range of volunteer projects covering a large variety of subjects. Whether you have interests or expertise in arts, sport, law, justice, education, environmental and humanitarian issues, or in promoting professional development, we believe you can find a volunteer program to flourish in and contribute to extensively.

Our short-term volunteer programs in the West Bank, Palestine include: 

Volunteer in a Journalism Program in the West BankVolunteer in Local Schools in Palestine
Volunteer with Palestinian childrenTeach English in the Palestine Program 
Volunteer in Music and Art Program in the West BankVolunteer in Community Development Program in Palestine
Volunteer in Environment and Conservation Program in PalestineVolunteer in a Medicine & Healthcare Program in the West Bank
Teach English in Palestine Program Women’s Rights Volunteer Program in Palestine
Internship in Human Rights Program in PalestineVolunteer with Palestinian Refugees

Schedule for Volunteers

Volunteering for the Engage in the West Bank requires commitment and flexibility. On average, volunteers will work approximately 30 hours a week from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Participants will have two days off per week, one on Friday when the Center is closed and another day of the participant’s choosing. 

Breakfast is provided every morning at the Center and typically consists of bread, olive oil and za’atar, hummus, labneh, baba ghanoush, falafel, and cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper– all the essentials you will find in a traditional Palestinian morning meal. Center staff, volunteers, and interns all sit together during breakfast as custom dictates, which also allows everyone a chance to touch base while creating stronger communal bonds. 

The Center also facilitates regular excursions into Hebron and neighboring cities throughout the week, connecting volunteers with local activists and organizations. Evenings are usually free, giving volunteers the chance to explore the City of Hebron and its many restaurants, shops, and historical sites by themselves.

In addition to their contributions to their specific programs, volunteers also attend Arabic courses twice per week for an hour and a half per session, which will require some study and preparation as well. All this together means schedules tend to fill up quickly, and volunteers find their time in Palestine passes quickly. 

The First Week

The first week of the program will be dedicated to becoming situated and adapting to life in Hebron, and also preparing volunteers for service in their particular field. During the first week, volunteers will take Center-led classes on Palestinian culture and the Arabic language, thus equipping volunteers with the skills to navigate Hebron and successfully interact with Palestinians. Palestinians are traditionally hospitable and welcoming people, and volunteers who can communicate and speak using Arabic will be much appreciated as this shows a genuine interest and respect for Palestinians and their culture. 

Volunteers will also take part in their first excursions into Hebron, visiting local landmarks, cultural sights, restaurants, and areas of political significance such as refugee camps and Israeli settlements. These trips intend to provide volunteers with a firmer grasp of Palestinian culture and the significance of the political reality that exists in contemporary Palestine. 

What happens in the first week?

Volunteers in Palestine will also be tasked during their first week with designing a syllabus for their program that will work as an outline and schedule for their service project here in Hebron. Previous syllabi have included international music styles and instruments, the music industry in Palestine or the volunteer’s country of origin, critical art theory, exploring exhibitions, analyzing sound systems, learning about copyright laws and intellectual property rights, visiting Palestinian ateliers, hosting Palestinian artists as guest speakers, conducting art classes, visiting local radio stations, and so on. At the end of their service project, volunteers will conclude with a video or art installation that encapsulates the work they contributed. 

If you have an interest in this program but are unsure what kind of project you would like to pursue, we at Engage in the West Bank are more than happy to help volunteers devise project ideas and workshops, as well as support their efforts by providing the necessary resources and contacts! 

What Kinds of Activities Can You Organize During the Volunteer Period?

You can freely choose among a vast range of activities to develop in your syllabus, such as:

  • Art class (sculpture, painting, drawing, etc.);
  • Helping children improve their English language skills through painting, music, and acting activities;
  • Inviting visiting speakers, such as artists within Hebron and Palestine to present;
  • Design classes (interior design, web design, and so on);
  • Music classes;
  • Visiting local NGOs and organizing activities for children and orphans in Hebron;
  • Visiting a radio station;
  • Art workshops for Palestinian university and school students;
  • Ending the course with a festival (music or art exhibitions);
  • Other activities – We strongly welcome your suggestions.

Who is This Program For?

The Volunteer in Music And Arts In The West Bank Program is perfect for anyone seeking opportunities to volunteer in music conservatories in the West Bank, teach various art forms including their specific field of study, and also expand their own musical and artistic repertoire. By sharing their talents with the people of Palestine, volunteers will more effectively foster growth and dedication in their students by exemplifying their artistic expression and passion. This program is therefore a unique opportunity to combine teaching and learning while also bridging constructive activism and cultural diplomacy between Palestine and the world. 

University students, aspiring music teachers, recent graduates, and those with a focus on the arts looking to work with NGOs will all find this program in line with their personal and professional interests. Additionally, you will also have the opportunity to learn Arabic, whether it be Modern Standard, Levantine, or specifically Palestinian, which will, of course, increase appeal by prospective employers. Engage in the West Bank is even partnered with the Palestinian Ministry of Education, and is subsequently able to provide academic credit to university students. 

Who Can Participate?

Engage in the West Bank does not discriminate on any basis; this includes nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other discernable way. Engage in the West Bank has a long history of welcoming people from around the globe, from all walks of life, and all backgrounds and identities. All are welcome!

Previous participants of Engage in the West Bank have hailed from the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States! 

Are There Any Criteria for Participants? 

There are only 3 criteria for participants, the first being conversational fluency in either of the program languages (i.e. English or Arabic). Secondly, participants should be between the ages of 18 and 70, though exceptions can be made in special circumstances. And finally, we ask participants to have a positive attitude with an eagerness to learn.

Participant Requirements: 

  • Colloquial fluency in English
  • 18-70 years of age (unless granted special permission by the Center’s director) 
  • A positive attitude and eagerness to learn

Program Costs and Information

Engage in the West Bank is priced competitively with other programs at 750$ a month and 250$ a week. Program costs cover language courses, housing, complimentary breakfast each day the participant is at the center, operating costs, and group excursions. No additional or hidden fees are applied to these programs; the cost quoted above is the complete and final cost participants will pay.

Program Fees Cover:

  • Housing
  • Language courses
  • Operating costs
  • Complimentary breakfast 
  • Group excursions into Hebron 

A Unique Experience

Although the Center hosts volunteers from all over the world, many people are unaware of the diversity of Palestine and the Levant and only have a crude understanding of the immemorial cultures here in these lands.

By enrolling in this volunteer program, participants will take part in a unique experience that is sure to be remembered throughout their lives. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to experience Arabic and cultural immersion that is second to none when they live in Hebron. 

In What Language is the Program Run? 

All of our programs are geared toward English speakers, however, volunteers have the option of attending 3 hours of complimentary Arabic courses per week to help assimilate them to Hebron. For the sake of immersion, the higher the Arabic course level the less English will be utilized in the classroom.

Additionally, students will necessarily need to utilize their Arabic skills to the best of their ability when navigating through Palestine, thereby ensuring a fully immersive experience.

General Information Overview 

Program LocationHebron, Palestine 
Program Fees750€ per month 
250€ per week
Age18-70 years old
Duration1-13 weeks 
TimeframeShort Term 
Spring Break 
Year Round
Program Focus Volunteer in Music and Art
Culture of Palestine
Internship with Palestinian Children
Number of Volunteers2-5 Volunteers
Expected Working Hours 30 hours per week 
Start/End DatesFlexible to fit participant’s schedule
Application DeadlineNo Deadline
University CreditAvailable
Reviews and RatingsReviews On Gooverseas.com
Reviews On Goabroad.com
Participants video testimonials
Tel Aviv Airport PickupAvailable (Fee applies)
Program Language English 


When staying in Hebron, you will have the option to reside either with a Palestinian host family or in a dorm; in either case, there are advantages to both. For those staying in a dorm, you will have extra time to become acquainted with other Center participants and volunteers. Additionally, the dorms are located in Hebron’s metropolitan center, providing ample opportunity to explore downtown, either by yourself or with your fellow dorm mates.

The second option available to participants will be to reside with a Palestinian host family. This option will provide participants with an intimate view into Palestinian daily life, customs, and culture, while also giving them a chance to become familiar with family structures and taste some of the delicious Palestinian cuisine. It’s also likely that participants residing with a host family will be invited to family gatherings and cultural events, guaranteeing a culturally immersive experience! 

Whichever housing option participants choose, their time in Palestine is sure to be immersive, enriching, and memorable! 

Volunteering as a Woman in Palestine

Engage in the West Bank has hosted many female volunteers from vastly different cultural backgrounds and origins. This is a point of pride for us at the Center, as we see it as our mission to connect people of all identities with Palestinian society and culture to deconstruct various misconceptions. 

That said, female volunteers–especially those coming from Western countries–must be conscientious of Palestinian conventions and attitudes surrounding women. Below are a few descriptions of how customs might differ, as well as some tips for effectively navigating them. 

For more information and tips on travel for women in Palestine, please click on the following link: https://excellencenter.org/travelling-as-a-woman-to-palestine/

Flying Into Palestine

Unfortunately, there are no airports in Palestine so it is currently impossible to fly directly into the West Bank. Although Palestinians use either the airports in Jordan or Egypt to travel abroad, international volunteers and interns can fly to Israeli airports and then cross over to Palestine. We believe the easiest ways to get to the Engage in the West Bank in Hebron are:

  • To fly to Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv Airport (Israel). From there, it takes about two and a half hours from the airport to Engage in the West Bank in Hebron via shared taxi.
  • To fly to Eilat airport in Israel and then travel by booking a shuttle or taking a bus to Jerusalem and then to Hebron. However, this trip can last between 6-7 hours.
  • Or, to fly to Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan, and then cross over to Palestine, however, this route takes more time and is more expensive.

Traveling to Hebron, Palestine 

Reaching the Center in Hebron, Palestine will be a long journey, but it need not be arduous. Although there are some obstacles when traveling to Hebron, Engage in the West Bank has all the resources you need to reach us in an efficient, safe, and practical manner. Please read our articles below on planning your trip, flying to Palestine, the different routes to Hebron, and Israeli and Palestinian taxi services: 

If you have any further inquiries about travel to Palestine, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Interacting with Palestinian Culture

Participants will find the majority of Palestinian people are incredibly friendly and open to foreigners. If participants utilize their Arabic skills, no matter how developed, they will find most Palestinians are enthusiastic, patient communicators simply pleased that people have taken an interest in their language and culture. 

In addition, Palestine is located at the heart of the Levant (the area associated with the Eastern Mediterranean), providing ample opportunities to visit cultural sights, historical monuments, and many other landmarks. Although Palestine faces difficult circumstances, participants will find the Palestinian people are friendly and open–and Palestine in general is a safe place to visit! 

Reviews and Ratings

Since 2011 Engage in the West Bank has welcomed individuals from 40 different countries! While we continue to develop our programs to provide the best possible learning experience, for over 10 years the Center’s fundamental mission remains the same: to connect, teach, and advance individuals within the local and international community. In 2019, we received our first “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards” recognizing Engage in the West Bank’s meaningful and unforgettable impact on international travelers. 

Additionally, Engage in the West Bank is renowned for its cultural immersion, friendly staff and atmosphere, and its commitment to dispelling misconceptions about Palestine and Palestinians. If you are interested in volunteering in Palestine, please read our program reviews to see if the Center is the right organization for you:


The Volunteer in Music And Arts In The West Bank Program in West Bank, Palestine aims to bring volunteers from around the world into Hebron, where they will help local Palestinians including Palestinian children, youth, women, refugees, young adults, university students, and families, learn about various art forms while they learn about the arts of Palestine. 

This type of exchange is central to creating a proactive approach to policy shift by way of cultural diplomacy while building community connections between Palestine and the world. By volunteering in Hebron, participants will enrich their understanding of Palestinian art and culture while hearing new perspectives about global affairs and life under occupation. 

If you have an active interest in the arts and appreciate cultural exchange, please do not hesitate to apply and begin the process today!

How to Apply

If you want to participate in our Volunteer in Music And Arts In The West Bank Program, please write to us at info@ecpalestine.org. We should respond to your initial inquiry within 1-3 business days.

In your email’s subject line, write “Volunteer in Music And Arts In The West Bank”. Upon responding we will attach an application form which you will fill out and return to us to begin the on-boarding process. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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Summer Volunteer programs in PalestinePalestine and Israel in Context Internship
Palestinian Laws & Legal Practices InternshipVolunteer to teach English in the West Bank

How To Get Further Information 

For more information, please visit our website: https://engageinpalestine.org/

Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/excellence.center

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ExcellenceCenter

Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/RafatECHebron

Watch us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQSLdFZWZcBm6Uj0XMYuKg

Visit and Explore Palestine: https://www.facebook.com/ExplorePalestine