Why Volunteer in Palestine? Many places in the world offer opportunities to volunteer so why choose Palestine, especially when the media paints such a bleak picture? There are many reasons why Palestine is an ideal place to volunteer.

Palestine is the center of global attraction

Palestine is the center of global attraction for people of some religions.  It is fascinating to see and be part of: people walk with a zeal that distinguishes them from any other people in the world. The people of this country exude a spiritual aura that you cannot find anywhere else. The people here are a community composed of a motley group of traditions, beliefs, and opinions concerning life in Palestine, and trust us when we say (whether verbally or in print) that this is a life-changing experience.

People in Palestine are generous and hospitable

People in Palestine can be very generous and hospitable. For example, take a walk around the souq in Nablus, a very beautiful city in the West Bank, and people will greet you with their smiles, and sometimes give you free fruit and cookies from their food stands.

They will invite you to have tea and maybe even invite you to their son’s/daughter’s wedding. Yes, you can generate friendships with the locals as quickly as this.  You can also shuffle your way through the older places of the cities and from one holy place to another.

Meet people from all different backgrounds

You will meet people from all different backgrounds, celebrate various religious holidays, and learn about the different cultures and traditions, and most memorably, you will be gorging on delicious treats! From savory to sweet dishes, Middle Eastern cuisine is a legitimate reason to up your pants size by one or two, not to mention the relatively cheap prices of food. Palestine is a culinary delight.

Low cost of living in Palestine 

Volunteering in Hebron, Palestine is especially unique. Aside from the low cost of living, Khalil is a lively, vibrant city where people are not afraid to embrace you with their welcomes, and their readiness to help whenever or whatever the situation! It also has a unique location close to both Bethlehem and Jerusalem.

On weekends you can leave Grape City and embark on a journey to where the three eschatological traditions meet on one rocky plain, topped by a golden dome, or maybe go and seek the birthplace of Jesus, or you can even extend your trip and visit the New York of Palestine – Ramallah!

Eat Falafel in Palestine 

One of our top recommendations in coming to Khalil is Falafel!! In a lot of places in Palestine, Falafel sandwiches could vary between 7 to 20 shekels depending on your skin color, yes, your skin color! This is one of the rare moments when being white is not an advantage to you. But not in Hebron! There is a set price for falafel sandwiches and it is only 3 shekels! Ah yes, falafel heaven for breakfast lunch, and dinner, please!

Some remarks 

Volunteering in Palestine will give you the tools necessary to approach life’s big questions, striking a balance between intellectual inquiry, on-the-ground fact-finding, and heartfelt understanding, in search for an answer about life in Palestine.

In short, you will no longer be just another person who felt compelled to only visit this country, nor will your stories resemble those of the tourists just passing through to tick off destinations on a bucket list. You will stand witness to people who are striving daily to make social change, and you will become a part of that change in the process.  Yes, you can make a difference.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact at Rafat@excellencenter.org


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Engage in the West Bank’s Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/RafatECHebron

Watch us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQSLdFZWZcBm6Uj0XMYuKg

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